Monday, September 28, 2015

Inner Sanctuary (For Meditation)

You open your eyes. The light is blinding. The wind is whipping past your face and through your hair at highway speeds. A light flares up inside you. A happiness that could never be compared to anything else. You're almost there. You know that. Because you're falling...falling...falling.

There's no fear here. Only immeasurable joy. The ground is still thousands of miles away. It's moving so quickly, running almost, to meet you. Just look at how vivid everything is. All the colors have come back to you. Nature isn't gray anymore. Excitement overtakes you as you twist...turn...flip.

About a hundred feet to the ground now. It's been so long. So much has changed. You barely recognize the old place. Why does it feel so familiar then? So comfortable. So relaxing. So tired. You're so tired. It was exhausting trying to get in here, wasn't it? You look like you could use a rest. Just for a minute. Fifty more feet. Down you go, slower...slower...slower.

Stop. You've got your feet on the ground. Everything seems so real. Though it isn't. But that's what makes it dangerous. Don't you think? Ha! Look at that. Green grass. That's what it should look like right? You've nearly forgotten. And that field of wildflowers. What's that color again? Purple? And monarchs are orange once more. All your senses are at work, sight...touch...smell.

How soft this grass is. How bright the sun is. You can smell fresh air. Why is that, though. You, the real you, is cooped up. In a box. In a city. There it smells like, what is it, even? Gasoline and pollution? But this you, the other you. You're smelling flowers and a fresh autumn breeze. Where is that coming from? From your brain? From your heart? From a lie? That's it. It has to be. Why does this feel so wonderful? You're lying to yourself. Liar...liar...liar.

You have to push that thought away. It's for your own good. Let's go for a walk, shall we? Ooh. Whats over there? You start walking. Leaves crunch beneath your feet. Animals scurry left and right. It's so loud in here. Not from cars and factories and industry. From birds and streams and leaves in soft winds. Here's that red fox again. Circling around your feet too quickly for you to see her face. Hey, you there, come back...come back...come back!

Well, don't just stand there. Follow her. Make haste. Quickly. Into the woods. Where did those come from? Were they here a minute ago? I distinctly remember a shortage of oak trees, don't you? Never mind that! Stop dawdling. You have a fox to catch. You need to start running...running...running.

Where's she taking you this time? You can go anywhere you want but you follow her? Why? Wait. There she is. Dodge that low branch. Jump over that boulder. Look out for that, right, not helping, sorry. She keeps getting faster, though. That means you have to, too. What? You got rocks in that backpack? Haste, I said, haste! There she goes. Over that way...this way...that way.

She seems to like this place a lot. Or maybe you do. Maybe she knows that. But who wouldn't? The gentle hill. Surrounded by trees on all sides. The dutch cottage on top. Not a doll house but nothing too grandiose. Look at those shutters. And how cute is that little stone chimney? And the water mill with the stream? You're so excited. Come on then, up the stairs. Up...up...up.

Go ahead and open up the door. Key's in the window box by the way. How do you know that? Because you put it there, of course. How else would you know? See how familiar it is now? The light blue walls? The royal purple beams and shutter? Is any of that ringing a bell? Maybe if we see what's waiting for you inside. You put the key in the lock and unlock...turn...push.

The door glides open. Oh well lookie here. If it isn't the everything you'd ever want. Your favorite person prepping your favorite foods and activities in your dream kitchen with, Ah! Your dream granite counter tops! How classy! Maybe you shouldn't have pushed that earlier thought from your mind. This isn't for your own good. Like giving into a heroin addiction. Chasing after the first high that you'll never have again. This isn't for you. This isn't real. You need to wake up. You can't just pretend...pretend...pretend.

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